Bracing For Bone Care at Encino Orthopedics
When a fracture occurs, it means that a bone has partially or fully cracked, causing it to weaken or separate, while the injured person endures significant discomfort and immobility. Though broken bones are common injuries, their causes vary. The most common causes of a broken bone include: direct impact to the bone - i.e. through a fall, car accident, or sports collision - and repetitive daily stress that creates small, mounting fractures over time.
The symptoms of a broken bone also vary, depending on the type of broken bone you have, but generally include: moderate to severe pain, discoloration and bruising, tenderness and swelling, and an inability to achieve a full range of motion or put weight on the fractured bone. Because bone fractures are a relatively common injury, expert orthopedic surgeons typically elect to treat broken bones through non-surgical methods if surgery is avoidable.
Bracing is perhaps the most common and least invasive non-surgical treatment for a bone fracture. After conducting a thorough physical examination and utilizing imaging tests, such as an X-Ray or MRI, the Encino Orthopedics Center's founder, Dr. Reisch will determine the best course of treatment for your bone fracture. If bracing determine is the most appropriate treatment for your bone break, you will be properly fitted with a brace that immobilizes the affected bone.
The purpose of immobilization via bracing is to ensure that the fractured bone is not further compromised while it attempts to heal itself naturally. A brace allows the injured patient to go about the majority of their routine without risking re-injury. A brace works for fractures by reducing pressure on the injured area while maintaining proper alignment, the optimum scenario for smooth, complication-free healing.